Anant Ambani, a director at Reliance Industries and Reliance Foundation, conceived the initiative, which is hailed as the world’s largest animal rescue and rehabilitation center.
[adinserter name="One"]Reliance Industries stated that the Vantara initiative, a pioneering endeavor in India, was envisioned and launched under Anant Ambani’s dedicated leadership.
[adinserter name="Two"]Situated within Reliance’s Jamnagar Refinery Complex’s ‘Green Belt,’ this expansive animal sanctuary spans 3,000 acres, designed to provide a natural and nurturing habitat for the rescued animals.
[adinserter name="Three"]It currently houses over 2,000 animals from various regions, brought to the facility for rehabilitation.
[adinserter name="Four"]In an interview with CNN-News18, Anant Ambani credited his mother, philanthropist Nita Ambani, as a major influence behind the project.
[adinserter name="Five"]He recounted a childhood incident where they encountered a distressed elephant, which sparked their journey into animal rescue.
Over the years, they developed expertise, gradually expanding their efforts. Today, the sanctuary boasts a professional team of over 300-400 individuals caring for the animals.
[adinserter name="Six"]According to the company, the shelter accommodates a diverse range of wildlife, including over 200 elephants, 300 large felines such as tigers and lions, more than 3,000 herbivores, and over 1,200 reptiles.
[adinserter name="Seven"]All animals were relocated with the necessary approvals from wildlife authorities, adhering to wildlife protection regulations.
[adinserter name="Eight"]Anant Ambani expressed Vantara’s goal to collaborate with the Zoo Authority of India and other relevant governmental bodies to enhance the standards of over 150 zoos across India in terms of training, capacity building, and animal care infrastructure.