Welcome to Yugmarg, your trusted source for insightful news and thought-provoking perspectives. Our journey began with a simple yet profound goal: to empower and inform, to inspire and engage. Since our inception, we’ve been committed to delivering news that matters, stories that resonate, and a platform that celebrates diverse voices.

Our Mission

At Yugmarg, we believe in the power of information. Our mission is to provide our readers with accurate, well-researched news and a space for open dialogue. We aim to bring you content that goes beyond headlines, diving deep into the issues that shape our world. Our dedication lies in sparking conversations, fostering critical thinking, and enabling our readers to make informed decisions.

Our Team

We are a young and dynamic team of creative minds who share a common passion for storytelling and a commitment to journalistic integrity. Our team members bring a wealth of experience from various fields, which enriches our perspective and ensures the breadth and depth of our coverage.

What We Cover

From breaking news to in-depth analysis, we cover a wide range of topics, including politics, economics, technology, health, entertainment, and more. Our comprehensive categories cater to the interests of our diverse readership. We are also dedicated to sharing stories of hope and positivity in our “Feel-Good News” section, believing that a balanced news diet should include the good alongside the challenging.

Join the Conversation

Yugmarg is not just about the stories we tell; it’s also about the conversations we inspire. We value your input and encourage you to engage with us through comments, social media, and sharing your own perspectives. We believe in the collective power of ideas and the impact they can have on the world.

Contact Us

We’d love to hear from you. Whether you have a story tip, a suggestion, or just want to say hello, please don’t hesitate to contact us through our contact form. Your feedback and support are invaluable to us as we continue to evolve and grow.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. Together, let’s explore the world through the lens of news, understanding, and connection.


Prathamesh Kabra

Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Yugmarg